

Thank you for visiting my website. If you prefer to see before you buy, I can reserve paintings until you can view them (please phone me on 01287 643030). Visits to my rather untidy home studio are by appointment only.

People who buy my paintings are those who share my love of art and of North Yorkshire: its coast, woodlands and moors. My approach to painting is primarily contemplative, naturalistic yet stylised, looking for the beauty and peace one experiences when immersed in Nature.

You can see my work in a few galleries in North Yorkshire. Please see the “Galleries & Exhibitions” page, and check their details for opening days and times.

Winter 2024

It’s that time of year, and my new calendars have landed! As in previous years, it is an A4 wall calendar, a page per month, printed in Yorkshire on 250gsm paper. It features my favourite paintings from the last twelve months, some oil paintings, and also pastel, watercolour, and acrylics. The price also remains the same: £12.50 + postage.

Please contact me if you want to reserve a copy. I can post them to you, and they will also be available to pick up during the North Yorkshire Winter Open Studios, on the weekend of 2nd & 3rd of November. I’ll be taking part from Wold Pottery in Loftus, and I hope to see you there.

PS. 15 October. Well, Thank you! (Happy little dance) Usually I run out of calendars by early December, but this year they were all reserved within a week. If you want one but you haven’t reserved your copy yet, don’t worry. I ordered some more today and they should arrive next week. If you have already reserved a copy, I’ll keep it for you or I’ll post it to you. Thank you again!

Summer 2024

Thank you to all those of you who came to visit during the Open Studios. This Summer I’m mostly painting commissions and enjoying the glory of the North Yorkshire coast when the sun shines. And I will try to update this site with my new paintings soon…

If you like my style and you would like me to create a painting for you and your wall, please get in touch, as I’ll be able to take on new commissions in September. I hope you have a good Summer, wherever you are.

Oil on canvas, 90x90cm. Commissioned by P.H. for J.

North Yorkshire Open Studios 2024

The Open Studios start on 1st of June. This year over 170 artists have been selected, so there will be an artist near you, if you’re in North Yorkshire. The full list of artists, details and map can be found at nyos.org.uk

I will be taking part from Wold Pottery in Loftus, TS13 4HG. I will be there for the weekends of 1&2 and 8&9 June, from 10am to 5pm. You can come and chat about art and you will see some of my oil painting on canvas, as well as some new work including pastels and watercolours. And of course you will also see Jill Christie’s pottery workshop.

Sunset Lilies. oils on canvas, 100x100cm

Feel free to contact me if you’d like a private viewing during the week (please phone 01287 643030).

The Brigantia exhibition at The Bath House, RHS Harlow Carr in Harrogate is currently under way and runs until the 9th of June.

Happy 2024!

While it is still January, I’d like to wish you a Happy New Year! Thank you to all those of you who have bought my artwork throughout 2023. You have been amazing, whether you bought a few cards, a print, a calendar or a painting. And a huge thank you to those of you who have commissioned a painting (or more than one!). Commissions have been so diverse and interesting this year, I’ve really enjoyed creating those archival memories for you.

So here’s to 2024! I’ve been working on a commission since early January, which is a brilliant start of my year. There will be the North Yorkshire Open Studios preview at Danby Inspired-by Gallery starting on the 10th of February (running until12 May), a Brigantia exhibition at The Station in Richmond (29 February to 27 March), another Brigantia exhibition at Harlow Carr in Harrogate (10 May to 9 June), and the North Yorkshire Open Studios on the first two weekends in June (1+2 and 8+9 June). And of course I’m open for commissions, if there is a special painting you would like me to create for you…

North Yorkshire Open Studios. Weekend 2 & 3 December 2023.

A chance to see artists and demonstrations. Selected to take part in the North Yorkshire Open Studios, I will take part in the Winter event on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd December, from Wold Pottery in Loftus. I will be there with ceramicists Emma Donoghue and Jill Christie, and many other selected artists will open their studios throughout North Yorkshire on that weekend. If you’re in North Yorkshire, you will find an artist near you.

I’m busy until the end of the year, but if you’d like to discuss a commission for 2024, please get in touch, or drop in during the Open Studios at Wold Pottery. Thank you.

Wold Pottery, 79 High Street, Loftus, TS13 4HG. More info and list of artists on http://nyos.org.uk

Wold Pottery on Loftus market place, between Pizza Cottage and The Brown Box.

Calendar 2024

My new calendars have landed! Most of these paintings were completed this year. The calendar, as in previous years is A4, one page per month and printed on 250gsm paper in Yorkshire. I hope you will like the artwork I have chosen for this next year.

Please reserve your copy, and tell me if you want to pick it up from me or you want it posted to you. Thank you!
The calendars are also available from Wold Pottery in Loftus.

£12.50 each (+ postage* where applicable)
*sorry, my prices haven’t changed but postage has gone up…
1st class Postage UK:
For 1 calendar: £3.30
For 2 calendars sent to one address: £3.30
For 3 calendars sent to one address: £4.80
For 4 to 8 calendars sent to one address: £5.40

Autumn 2023

I have been rather busy… A large commission (a quadriptych!) was finished last week and went to its new home today, an exhibition at The Station in Richmond in September came and went, and I’ve been designing a calendar for 2024 which should be ready in a couple of weeks. But for now, here is “Monk’s Trod”:

The wonderful Ilona knew and liked my artwork and wanted a large painting of the bluebells woods by the old monk’s trod in Glaisdale. This painting would capture the essence of the place, and would be a memorial to her mother, who loved to walk along that path. The small sized rooms, stairs and doorways of my little house stop me from working on very large canvases, so I suggested a triptych. It was Ilona’s idea to have four panels and to stagger them, and it worked very well (at least we both think so), with the path linking the four canvases together. It has been quite thrilling to work on such a big piece, for nearly three months. My newly insulated and refurbished attic studio feels empty now, the easels standing like suddenly denuded trees. But it won’t be empty for long, as I have a couple of other commissions to paint…

Summer 2023

A British Summer is… unpredictable. Sometimes it is warm and sunny. I’m busy painting commissions, which is brilliant, and also preparing for a September exhibition in Richmond. But I’m feeling rather blue, as a gentle man who was a patron of the arts has sadly passed away. My latest artwork, which had started as a sunny interlude, changed to softer tones to reflect my mood…

Quiet Corner (the weekend race at the old mill, Westerdale). Acrylic on gesso board, 40x50cm